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Announcements September 9, 2015

Published on September 9, 2015

Character Counts Quote 

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson



Chicken Nuggets or Hot Beef Sundae and Mashed Potatoes



PHS Ambassadors and Student Council members will have a meeting this Friday during 4th period in the east gym.


Anyone interested in Speech team in grades 9-12 should pick up a green sheet outside of room 116 and return it by Friday.


Juniors wishing to take the PSAT need to sign up in the guidance office this week.


There will be a National Honor Society meeting Wednesday at 10:30 in the cafeteria.


If you were not able to make it to the debate meeting after school yesterday, please find Mr. Dingeman today.



Varsity softball players please see Mr. Otte tomorrow after school in his office not today.  

  • Volleyball teams all defeated Dallas Center-Grimes
  • JV football defeated Dallas Center-Grimes
  • Cross Country girls placed 2nd and boys placed 3rd at the Grinnell meet.