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Announcements Tuesday, September 4, 2018-

Published on September 4, 2018

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS  – “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. ” – Albert Einstein

Lunch – Cheese Pizza Crunchers or Bacon Cheeseburger


Tomorrow,  September 5 will be a full day of school.

The stadium parking lot has a structural failure by the middle of the evergreens. The area of concern will be fenced off. The district and city will begin repairs starting on Tuesday.

School pictures will be on Friday morning, September 7th for 9-11th grade students.  Picture forms for 9-11th graders may be picked up in the office or go online to (Pella High School, Picture Day ID BN108377Q0).

Senior will have their pictures taken in the after noon on Friday September 7th. The school will be taking these pictures (please do not complete Life Touch form).

There will be an organizational meeting for Speech team on September 5th at 7:30, ilearn A, ilearn B and at 3:30. Everyone interested needs to attend one meeting on Wednesday September 5th.



The Cross Country meet against Grinnell has been moved to Thursday.

Good Luck to the Volleyball Players as they travel to Indianola – Please dismiss the athletes at 2:45.