Announcements September 9, 2014
Published on September 9, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“No dreamer is ever too small; no dream is every too big.” – Anonymous
Stuffed crust pizza or corn dog
Sophomores – Class Ring Presention today at 10:15 in the west gym. Please bring a pencil.
Seniors – Are you interested in a volunteer opportunity? If you are 18 and have 5th OR 6th period open, please see Mrs. Thompson in the guidance office for more details
Anyone who attended the Speech team sign up meeting and signed up for Improv, our first Improv practice will be tomorrow, Tuesday, in room 116 from 5 pm until 6:30 pm. This is not mandatory – stop in if you are able! See Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Whittington with question.
Europe 2015 is fast approaching. There will be an informational meeting for all interested in our London, Paris, Switzerland and S. Gremany excursion this summer on Thursday at 5:30 p.m in room 109.
FFA Members there will be a FFA meeting tonight at 6:30pm. We will start at Maddison Elementary with a drone demonstration, and then move back to the Ag for the business meeting. Please bring a friend to the drone demonstration.
The Cross Country meet has been postponed to Thursday, practice will be at the normal time tonight.
JV football defeated Dallas Center Grimes.
Good luck to:
Freshman/JV and Varsity volleyball teams as they host Dallas Center Grimes