Announcements Sept. 30, 2016
Published on September 30, 2016Today’s thought on Character Counts: The true reward of a thing well done is to have done it. – Zig Ziglar
Lunch: Homecoming Tailgater
Good luck to the Marching Dutch as they compete in the Urbandale Marching Invitational on Saturday. Their performance time is at 7:09 p.m. at Urbandale High School Stadium
Homecoming Dance tonight starting at 9:00 p.m. or after the football game and will go until midnight. The theme is Glowdance (the black lights will actually work!) The cost is $5 per person ($1 for face paint). The doors will lock at 11:00 p.m., if you leave, you will not be allowed back in . If you are bringing a date that is not from Pella High, you must sign up your date up in the office by 3:15 pm. Middle School students are not allowed at our dances.
The NCMP Aquagirls faced Atlantic last night and lost varsity but won JV. Abbie Hill was on a winning JV relay, while Lindsey Blommers continues to dominate in the breaststroke and won that varsity event. Great job, girls!