Announcements Sept. 27, 2021 (Monday) HS
Published on September 27, 2021Today’s Thought on Character Counts – Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – John Wooden
Lunch Menu – Corn Dog or Stuff Crust Cheese Pizza
Reminder there is homeroom today. School pictures will be handed out and you will sign up for homecoming competitions.
If you have an interest in connecting with students in our peer classes (Peer PE, Art or Foods), or if you helped with Peer PE in the MS, but did not get the opportunity to participate in our high school classes this year, please stop in to see Mrs. Thompson. There are other opportunities to assist and interact with your peers who may need additional support.
Picture retakes will be Wednesday, September 29 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the weight room.
Students – if you are going to the college fair on Thursday, please check your email for upcoming communication.
All students who dressed up for homecoming don’t forget to check in the with judges sitting at a table in the cafeteria to make sure your class gets credit.
Reminder -if you are bringing a date from another school to the homecoming dance on Friday (Oct. 1), you must have a guest request form turned in to the office no later than Wednesday (Sept. 29) after school. Guest forms are available in the high school office.
Speech and Thespian students involved in the Homecoming Skit need to meet in the auditorium for rehearsal during I Learn B on Wednesday.
Congratulations to the aquagirls as they swam well last Saturday.
Congratulations to the Marching Dutch for a great show last Saturday.
Good luck to the JV Football team as they host Newton tonight at 5:30 PM.
Good luck to the JV Volleyball team as they travel to PC
Dress up days: | Underclassmen | Seniors | Teachers |
MONDAY | Merica | Pajama | Weekend Wear |
TUESDAY | Beach v. Business | Toga Tuesday | Zoom Day |
WEDNESDAY | Mathlete v. Athlete | Garbage v. Glam | Alumni/College |
THURSDAY | Color Wars (Jr = Red, So = Blue, Fr = Pink) | Color Wars (Black) | Color Wars (Grey) |
FRIDAY | Green and White Day | Green & White Day | Green & White Day |