Announcements Sept. 27, 2016
Published on September 27, 2016Today’s thought on Character Counts: People don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan.
Lunch: Italian Pasta Casserole
Students – if you dress up for class points, remember to check in by the temporary wall to be counted during your lunch.
Financial Aid Night Reminder – Pella High School will be hosting a Financial Aid Night on Thursday, October 6th. The presentation will be very informative for parents and students to learn the many details to filing the FAFSA. Please attend this event in the PHS auditorium at 7pm on October 6th.
Wednesday Dress Up days:
- Seniors – Wacky Tourist Day
- Underclassmen – Favorite HoliDay
Good Luck to:
- the Cross Country boys and girls as they travel to Knoxville. Dismiss at 2:45 and leave at 3:00
- the Swim Girls (Their meet is in Newton so will not dismiss early)
- the Freshman, JV and Varsity Volleyball.