Announcements September 26, 2014
Published on September 26, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“There isn’t a person anywhere who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can.” – Henry Ford
Tailgate lunch on the front of the school hamburgers will be served.
Homecoming pep assembly participants are dismissed after 5th. Be by the gym doors as soon as possible after 5th to get on bus. Forte and cheerleaders are dismissed after 1st lunch so please eat first lunch.
There will be an informational meeting about the trip to Madrid, Spain next Monday, Sept. 29th at 5:15 in Mrs. Soria’s room.
Tomorrow, Pella Community High School will be hosting the fifth annual Marching Dutch Invitational. Gates open at 4:00 p.m. with twenty of the area’s best marching bands in competition starting at 4:30. Admission is $4 for students, $7 for adults, and FREE for age 5 and under.
Please remember to remove vehicles from ALL Pella High School campus parking lots and from the parking lot at Faith Christian Reformed Church by midnight on Friday evening. All lots will be blocked off by 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Please remove all personal items from the boys and girls locker rooms by the end of the day on Friday.
Homecoming Results – Dress up Day Winner for Thursday
Tate Petty
Jarod Robertson
Nicole Schnebbe
Noah Clayberg
Let’s Glow Dutch!! Come tonight after the Homecoming football game for the Homecoming Dance! Wear white or neon so you can glow in the black lights. $6.00 admission includes either glow in the dark face paint or a glow item of your choice. There will be a new music playlist made by the student body and lots of glow fun! Remember that you must bring your student I.D. to enter the dance. If you are bringing someone from another school, you must sign up your guest in the office by 3:15 on TODAY.
Boys locker room needs to be cleaned out by 3:30 today for visiting football team.
Fear the Dutch! There large t-shirts still available for today’s green and white day and for tonight’s homecoming game and bonus that you can wear it to the dance and glow! Cost is $5.00 and are in Charma’s office.
Cross Country boys placed 3rd with Adam Sievers in 5th place, Ben Warner in 17th and Nick Bernhagen with 20th. Girls placed 4th with Kelcey Blommers in 5th, Tess Roorda with 12th and Payton Phelps with 20th.
Good luck to:
Freshman and Varsity football teams as they host Knoxville
Freshman volleyball as they travel to Johnston tomorrow