Announcements September 21, 2017
Published on September 21, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS –” I can’t do it” never yet accomplished anything; “I will try” has performed wonders. – George P. Burnham
Lunch – Nacho Grande or Sliced Turkey Breast & Cheese Sub
Vermeer field trip is dismissed after 4th period today. Meet by the front office.
If you dressed up for Homecoming, please stop by the judges table in the commons during lunch to add points for your class. Yesterday’s class winner were: 1st: Seniors; 2nd: Juniors; 3rd: Sophomores; 4th: Freshmen
Individual dressup day winners were: 1st – Hannah Blom (grade 11); 2nd – Aaron Downs (grade 9) & Tanner Dunsbergen (grade 10); 3rd – Taylor Decious (grade 9); 4th – Blake Recker
Reminder if you are bringing a guest to the homecoming dance on Friday night, you must pick up a Guest request form in the office and return by Friday.
Special Schedules for the Week