Announcements September 11, 2014
Published on September 11, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss
Hot Dog or Loose Meat Sandwich
Nominations for homecoming court begins today. Sophomore, Juniors & Seniors – Check your school gmail account to vote for the 2014 homecoming court.
Students using the parking lot at Faith church – Do not use the entrance/exit off of East 12th street. Students are to enter and exit off of University only. Students are to use parallel parking spots along the drive off of University Street and the angle parking spots along the west side of the lot only. The church appreciates your cooperation with this request.
Early Dismissal: Cross Country will dismiss after 7th and the bus will leave at 2:40
The will be open gym tonight for any students interested at 7:00 p.m.
Good luck to:
Cross Country as they travel to Grinnell