Announcements October 23, 2020 (Friday) HS
Published on October 23, 2020TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lunch Menu – Real-Slice Pepperoni Pizza
If you would like to participate in an E-sports intramural tournament during i-learn A on Mondays and Thursdays, sign up with Mr. Thorson or Mr. Hancock by next Wednesday, Oct 28th. We will start the tournament on Monday, November 2nd during i-learn A. Potential games include Madden, Rocket League, and NBA2K.
Good luck to the football team as they host Winterset!
The game will start at 7:00 and tickets are $6.00 – Athletic passes will not work for the game tonight.