Announcements October 22, 2015
Published on October 22, 2015Character Counts Quote
If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade. (Thomas Peters)
Fiestada Pizza or Bosco Pizza Stick
Reminder: Students interested in attending the college fair next week need to have the parent signature form completed by the end of the day Friday. Please see Mrs. Thompson in the guidance office for more information.
Students interested in an ACT test prep workshop before the December ACT test date, please stop in the guidance office.
Winter Cheer tryouts will be next Thursday, October 29 at Madison Elementary at 5:30 p.m. Sign up is in Charma’s office .
Are you interested in Fellowship of Christian Athletes? We are doing a night of Pumpkins and Pizzas for our huddle meeting. Monday 6:30PM @ Coach Anderson’s House. 511 E. 15th St. If you need directions or want to know more about F.C.A. please talk with Austin Schulte or Carter Terpstra.
Good luck to:
Cross Country as they travel to Gilbert to run the ISU Cross country course for state qualifying.