Announcements October 19, 2015
Published on October 19, 2015Character Counts Quote
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. (William James)
Chicken Fajita on Flat-Bread or Pulled Pork Sandwich on Flat-Bread
Picture retakes are tomorrow. If you are having your picture retaken, please be sure to bring your packet of pictures with you. If you did not get your picture taken due to being absent, please be sure to have your picture taken even if you are not ordering. Forms are available in the office if you are interested in ordering pictures.
Missing an assignment? Join us at Pella Plus Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this week in Mrs. Roslien’s room (room 115).
Student Council is hosting a pumpkin carving event on Wednesday after school from 2:00 to 3:00. All profits will be donated to Habitat for Humanity. Please check your school e-mail to sign-up and to see more information.
Today is the last day to order online for the Paint the stands Pink t-shirts for this Friday night’s football game. then go to Pella Paint the Stands Pink and the event code is Pink. The shirts are $5.00 each. Questions, please see Charma
Calling all bowlers for boys and girls! If you are interested in being a member of the Pella HIgh Bowling team, sign up in Charma’s office as well as those going out for wrestling.
Varsity football defeated Saydel Friday night.
Freshman volleyball defeated Centerville and Chariton Thursday night.
Girls swim team placed 2nd at SE Polk with Samantha Hedrick placing 1st in 2 x 100 Fly relay, and the 2 x 200 relay, 2nd with Lindsey Blommers in the medley relay. Lindsey Blommers also placed 2nd in the breastroke relay. Madeline Webb placed 4th in Free relay, and 3rd in the 8 x 100 relay with Samantha Hedrick.
Good luck to:
JV football as they host Ballard
Online Payment information for school pictures:
Enter Picture Day ID: BN805377Y0
Click here for Picture Day Order form