Announcements October 13, 2015
Published on October 13, 2015Character Counts Quote
Quality is not an act, it is a habit. (Aristotle)
Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza OR Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Mark your calendars – picture retakes are Tuesday, October 20. If you are having your picture retaken, please be sure to bring your packet of pictures with you. If you did not get your picture taken due to being absent, please be sure to have your picture taken even if you are not ordering. Forms are available in the office.
Thursday we will be on the 30 minute homeroom schedule. Students please bring your laptop to homeroom on Thursday.
If you want to sign up for a play T-shirt, today is the last day. Sign up for a shirt outside of room 116.
Guidance Announcements
Students interested in pursuing any courses through DMACC or Central College for next semester should stop in the guidance office to see Mrs. Thompson this week.
Students taking the PSAT need to report to room 211 of the Career Academy by 8:10 AM on Wednesday. You will need to bring a number 2 pencil and know your student ID number. You may also wish to bring a calculator.
The Compass Test will be offered at Pella HS on Wednesday, November 11th. Students interested in taking the Compass Test please stop in the guidance office to register or ask any questions.
Students interested in pursuing any courses through DMACC or Central College for next semester should stop in the guidance office to see Mrs. Thompson this week.
Students taking the PSAT need to report to room 211 of the Career Academy by 8:10 AM on Wednesday. You will need to bring a number 2 pencil and know your student ID number. You may also wish to bring a calculator.
The Compass Test will be offered at Pella HS on Wednesday, November 11th. Students interested in taking the Compass Test please stop in the guidance office to register or ask any questions.
Click here for Senior Annoucements
There will be an open gym for all students interested on Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Cross Country boys placed 3rd and girls placed 2nd at the conference meet yesterday. JV boys placed 2nd and girls placed 1st. Placing for varsity and the top 15 for conference honors were 2nd place Adam Sievers, 4th -Blase Winegardner, 5th -Nick Bernhagen. 2nd place for girls was Tess Roorda, 9th- Annika Pingel. Kelcey Blommers, Ciara Buchheit, Payton Phelps, Aanna Roslien and Mikayla Kruse finished the top 15.
Freshman volleyball defeated Bondurant, Waukee and Norwalk.
JV football defeated Newton.
Good luck to:
Freshman, JV and Varsity Volleyball as they travel to Newton
No School Friday
Online Payment information for school pictures:
Enter Picture Day ID: BN805377Y0
Click here for Picture Day Order form