Announcements Friday, October 12, 2018-
Published on October 12, 2018TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. – Henry Ford
Lunch – Sliced Turkey Breast or Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Lifetouch picture retakes will be Wednesday, October 17th. They will start taking pictures at 7:30 and should be done by around 10:30. If you would like to have your picture retaken please return you picture envelope on the 17th.
This Saturday is the IHSMA State Marching Band Contest at Pella High School. All high school campus lots will be closed by 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning to prepare for 45 busses and 31 trailers. Please remove your personal vehicles by midnight on Friday evening. Parking will be available Saturday in the Faith Church parking lot and the skate lot by Caldwell Park.
Good luck to the football teams as they host Newton tonight!