Announcements October 11, 2021 (Monday) HS Announcement
Published on October 11, 2021Today’s Thought on Character Counts – It you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. – Napoleon Hill
Lunch Menu – Chicken Sticks
There will be a meeting in Mr. Bouska’s room today during A Lunch for those who are going on the Dominican Republic trip. We hope to see you there!
Students taking the PSAT: The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 13th, in the Pella High School Library. Registered students should report to the library by 7:45 am instead of going to first period. You’ll need the following items: #2 pencil, Calculator (scientific or graphing), School ID number (xxxxxxxxxx), Watch is suggested for pacing; it may NOT be a Smart Watch, Reading book (in case you finish early) and Snacks are permitted, but only during testing breaks. Cell phones will NOT be permitted in the library.
College Admission visits – students if you are interested in learning more about these colleges, please stop in the lobby area for more information from each college.
- Tuesday – 12:30 NW Missouri State
- Thursday – 11:30 UNI (in the cafeteria)
Early Out Schedule