Announcements October 7, 2014
Published on October 7, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” – Tony Robbins
Lasagne Roll, Cheese-Filled w/ Pasta w/Marinara
Be a part of supporting breast cancer awareness by dropping pink Yoplait lids off in the office; the more lids dropped off, the more money Susan G. Komen gets to research for a cure.
Criminal Justice class will not meet today.
Auto crime accident simulation will be set up by the stadium this week.
Coats for Kids! As the weather turns cooler, donations are being collected for gently worn or new coats, stocking hats, scarves, gloves, boots or sweatshirts through October 17. On October 30 at Jefferson Intermediate School, families will be able to pick what they need. Donation box is down by Charma’s office. See fliers posted around the building.
There will be a TSA picnic on Thursday at Dutch Meadows. If you have any questions please email Dylan Larson at his school email address.
Juniors & Seniors – if you are planning on attending the college fair at Central on Thursday you must have your form turned in today. Forms can be picked up in the Guidance Office or the high school office.
If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer for the Distinguished Service Program, Crossroads of Pella is looking for volunteers to stuff envelopes on Saturday, October 11, from 9:30-1:00. Lunch will be provided. If interested, please see or email Mrs. Manning by this Wednesday!
Bethel College in Minnesota will be at Pella HS to visit with any interested students on Thursday. If Bethel is a college you have an interest in visiting, please stop in the guidance office for multiple opportunities to hear about Bethel College this week.
Pink OUT! Tonight at the girls volleyball game in Norwalk will be breast cancer awareness night. So if you are attending, you can show support for the event by wearing pink.
On October 17 at our home football game will be a Paint the Stands Pink Night for raising awareness for breast cancer. Pink T-shirts are available for $5.00 in Charma’s office. Wear pink and get free face tatoos, pink glow items and footballs at the game Help stop cancer on the first down! See fliers posted around building. Sponsored by Student Council, Pella Regional Health Center , KNIA/KRLS and Sports Page
There will be basketball open gym tonight at 7:00 for anyone interested.
JV football defeated Carlisle
Cross Country Varsity Boys placed first and had 7 runners place in the top nine.
Varsity girls placed first with 5 runners place in the top ten. JV teams also placed 1st with girls in the top 9 spots and the boys in the top 11 spots.
Good luck to:
9/JV and Varsity volleyball as they travel to Norwalk
- Girls Swim team as they travel to Marshalltown