Announcements October 6, 2017
Published on October 6, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you. – author unknown
Lunch – Galaxy Deep-Dish Cheese Pizza or Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Our first smart lunch intramural activity will be Ping Pong starting next Tues, Oct 10th in the competitive gym. Sign up will be in the weight room with Mr. Thorson or in Mr. Hancock’s class room. Sign up by Friday this week. A limited number of spots will be available.
With the weather and early start to the football game tonight, the activities and handouts for Paint the Stands Pink has been moved to the Oct. 20th game. Feel free to wear your pink tonight, and on the 20th as we celebrate Paint the Stands Pink. Later today, information will be available on how to order a PINK shirt if you are interested in getting one in time for the Oct. 20th game. Go Dutch!
The varsity football game has been moved up to 6:00 p.m. tonight. There will be no freshman football game tonight. The freshman football game has been moved to Monday night at 5:00 in Norwalk, the J.V. game will follow.
Paint the stands PINK tonight! Come out to the football game and cheer on the Dutchmen while raising cancer awareness!
Good Luck to the Varsity football team tonight!
Good Luck to the Varsity Volleyball Team on Saturday!