Announcements October 4, 2017
Published on October 4, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. – William James
Lunch – Popcorn Chicken or Cheese-filled Breadstick
Our first smart lunch intramural activity will be Ping Pong starting next Tues, Oct 10th in the competitive gym. Sign up will be in the weight room with Mr. Thorson or in Mr. Hancock’s class room. Sign up by Friday this week. A limited number of spots will be available.
Juniors and Seniors – Please check your emails regarding a college fair being held at William Penn on Wednesday, October 11. If you would like to attend, stop in the counseling office to sign up.
Congratulations to the Varsity and Freshman Volleyball Teams on their Victory over Oskaloosa!