Announcements Oct. 20, 2016
Published on October 20, 2016Today’s thought on Character Counts: Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right. – Henry Ford
Lunch: Fiesta Pizza
Good luck to those students competing in the Special Olympics district bowling tournament in Des Moines today. Competition starts at 11:30 for Pella.
Good luck to all the band, choir, and orchestra students who are auditioning for All-State this Saturday in Indianola.
Good Luck to the Boys and Girls Cross Country teams that are competing to qualify for State today at the Central College Course.
Open Gym tonight from 7 – 8 pm
If you are interested in signing up for Bowling, Wrestling, Girls Basketball, Boys or Girls Indoor Winter Soccer please sign up with the Athletic Office at the Career Academy.
Special Notes:
Thursday’s Schedule Click here for schedule