Announcements October 16, 2014
Published on October 16, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
”The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” – Joseph Campbell
Fiestada Pizza or Bosco Stick w/Marinara Sauce
Good luck to Will Halstead, Brianna VanDonselaar, Brendon Dieleman, Frankie Grooters, Caleb Fynaardt, and Jonathan Pham as they compete in the Special Olympics Area Bowling Tournament today at Plaza Lanes in Des Moines.
Kirsten Veenstra is having a bake sale today & Friday during lunch to help Dotty Vanderhye. The money raised will go to help with with the cost of the medical expenses, from a car accident she was in. Please help support this cause! If you have any questions e-mail Kirsten at her school email address.
Several Speech team groups will meet today, including the Ensemble Moon Over Buffalo at 3:15, the musical theatre group Catch Me If You Can at 5:30, the Group Drowsy Chaperone – Show Off at 5:30, and Improv at 5:30. See Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Whittington with any questions!
Coats for Kids and families! Donations are being collected for gently worn or new coats, stocking hats, scarves, gloves, boots or sweatshirts through tomorrow. On October 30 at Jefferson Intermediate School, families will be able to pick what they need. Donation box is down by Charma’s office.
Tomorrow at our home football game will be a Paint the Stands Pink Night for raising awareness for breast cancer. Pink T-shirts in sizes Small through 2XL are available for $5.00 in Charma’s office. Wear pink and get free face tatoos, pink glow items and footballs at the game Help stop cancer on the first down! Sponsored by Student Council, Pella Regional Health Center , KNIA/KRLS and Sports Page
There will basketball open gym tonight at 7:00 for anyone interested.
Early Dismissal: Varsity Cross Country will dismiss at 1:10 and bus will leave at 1:25. JV Cross Country will dismiss after 6th and leave at 1:50.
Good luck to:
Cross Country as they travel to Dallas Center -Grimes for their conference meet.