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Announcements Tuesday, November 6, 2018-

Published on November 6, 2018

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS  –  “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” –Ernest Hemingway

Lunch – BBQ Chicken Sandwich or Cheeseburger



Blood drive is Thursday Nov 8th. If you would like to sign up see Mr. Thorson or Mrs Clayberg. Sign up sheet is in the weight room.

The PHS varsity debate teams won two debates last night in Carlisle and lost two. The JV debate team won one and lost one. Congratulations on a strong first season to the team. Grayson Parisee was named to the All Conference team for the Central Iowa Debate League. Congratulations to Grayson.



Good luck to the Volleyball team at State today!

Students that are riding the pep bus will be dismissed at 1:15.  The bus will be leaving from the East entrance.

Special Schedule

Wednesday’s Schedule