Announcements Friday, November 2, 2018-
Published on November 2, 2018TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do. —John Ruskin
Lunch – Mini Corn Dogs or Sausage Pizza
Good luck to Forte members Lydia Taylor, Ella Jahner, Erin Nossaman, Julia Smart and Bailey Knouse as they compete in Class V Dance at the ISDTA Solo Contest tomorrow at Newton High School.
Sign up for Intramural Ping Pong with Mr. Thorson or Mr. Hancock during iLearn.
Blood drive is Thursday Nov 8th. If you would like to sign up see Mr. Thorson or Mrs Clayberg. Sign up sheet is in the weight room.
All students are required to have a four-year academic plan. This year, instead of waiting for registration to complete your plan, students will need to meet with a counselor before or after school, during lunch, or during an i-study to discuss your classes for next school year. Juniors, please see Mrs. Manning, and Sophomores, please see Mrs. Thompson by the end of November. Freshmen, we will begin meeting with you in December. Actual registration will take place in January or early February.
Don’t miss out on the Pella High’s production of The Sound of Music, there are still 2 performance one this evening and one Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. All student tickets are only $5, plus service charge.
If you are interested in riding the pep bus on Tuesday to the volleyball game please sign up in the athletic office – Cost is $10 and the bus will leave at 1:30 from the east entrance.