Announcements November 16, 2015
Published on November 13, 2015Character Counts Quote
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Corn Dog or Stuff Crust Cheese Pizza
Eighteen Pella High students attended the Iowa Thespian Festival on November 13th and 14th in Cedar Falls. Our Group Acting entry and a Solo Musical Theatre entry will advance to Nationals at the Thespian Festival this summer. Group Acting participants are Paige Miller, Craig Miller, Tate Petty, Mandolin Holmes, Mallory Wheeler and Micah Criscuolo, who performed a scene from You Can’t Take It With You. Natalie Henry will perform Life of the Party from the musical Wild Party. Congratulations to all seven students advancing to Nationals.
School will start two hours late on Friday, Nov. 20.
Football pep bus sign up is in Charma’s office through end of the day on Wednesday. The cost is $20.00 and includes the $10.00 ticket. Please pay at sign up.
Football tickets will go on sale Wednesday at noon through Thursday at 1:00.