Announcements Monday, February 25, 2019
Published on February 25, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “There is always, always, always something to be thankful for” – unknown
Lunch Menu – BBQ Rib Sandwich OR Real-Slice Cheese Pizza
Mrs. Tjeerdsma, the counselor at Madison Elementary, is looking for some volunteers to read to elementary students next Friday, March 1, for “Read Across America Day”. She is looking for people who would be engaging readers for their students. If you are interested, please email Mrs. Tjeerdsma!
Congratulations to the show choirs as they traveled to Marion High School for their show choir invitational. Bravo placed 4th runner up in the prep division of 3A/4A. AcaPella received 1st place in class 3A and made it into the finals with all 4A schools. They also received the “People’s Choice” award overall and Brady VanWaardhuizen received “Best Male Solo” in 3A/4A. AcaPella went undefeated in their entire season in class 3A. They all represented Pella very well, as people and musicians.
Tonight is the Solo/Small Group Recital for Choir and Band. We welcome you to attend the 4 centers in the music area, from 4:50pm to 7:10pm tonight.
Congratulations to the Pella High School Individual Events Speech team on a successful district contest in Grinnell on Saturday. 28 of 34 entries advance to the State contest on March 9th.
Good luck to the Forte Dance Team as they have been invited to perform at the Girl’s State Basketball Tournament tonight during the halftimes of the 6:45 and 8:30 games.
Good luck to the Boys basketball team as they travel to South East Polk, the bus will leave at 5:10.
Girls Tennis meeting will be after school Tuesday in the library.
Special Schedules