Announcements Monday, February 12, 2024
Published on February 12, 2024Monday February 12, 2024
Lunch Menu:
-Chicken Strips
-Crunchy Coated Cheese Stick
-Sports Nutrition class, please meet by east gym doors at the start of 4th period today.
-Anyone interested in auditioning for Poetry Out Loud stop by room 2006 today during I Learn A.
-A rep from Iowa State University will be set up in the Commons over SmartLunch on Tuesday, February 13th.
–Intramural basketball will play today. Senior A versus Freshman during iLearnA
-Boys Golf OPEN NET will be today from 330pm to 430pm in the team room
-There will be a preseason meeting for girls tennis next Tuesday, February 20th, at 3:30 in the library.
-Congrats to Damion Clark, Rex Rhamy, TR Putz, Logan Bruxvoort, Jackson Van Kley, Kieran Van Voorst and Noah Parsons as they qualified for boys state wrestling.
-Good luck to the girls bowling team as they compete at regionals.
-Good luck to the boys basketball teams as they host West Des Moines and Waverly.