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Announcements Monday, August 24, 2020

Published on August 24, 2020

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS  – Change the world by being yourself. – Amy Poehler

Lunch Menu – Pizza Crunchers


All students should report to your homeroom today. 9th and 11th grade Home Room A/ 10th and 12th grades Home Room B

Seniors & Juniors – You need to have six classes in your schedule. If you do not, you have until Wednesday to add a class. Stop by the counseling office to do so.

Freshmen interested in joining this year’s Student Council should contact Mr. Rasmussen by Thursday, August 27 to get nomination information.

Computer Science with Mr. Fyfe starts today!

Foundations of Education with Mr. Hastings  will start Wednesday, August 26.

The Activity Office received official word over the weekend that DCG will be limiting the number of spectators at Friday’s football game. We don’t know the exact details yet but those will come out through email when we get them. Please keep checking your email if you are planning to travel to DCG to go to the game.

Please make sure you pick up your ID card in the activities office.  You will need your card for the Library, Lunch and to come and go from the building.