Announcements Monday, April 29, 2019
Published on April 29, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “Failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it means try again with experience.” – unknown
Lunch Menu – Breakfast for Lunch OR Pepperoni & Cheese Pocket Sandwich
If you will be missing school to work during Tulip Time, please stop in the office to pick up a Tulip Time Work Excuse form.
Seniors are excused at 9:15 from class to go the auditorium for Senior Celebration.
Good luck to the Boys golf team as they travel to Grinnell! Please dismiss the athletes at 11:15, the bus will leave at 11:45.
Good luck to the Girls golf team as they travel to Indianola! Please dismiss the athletes at 1:45, the bus will leave at 2:00.
Good luck to the Boys soccer team as they host Johnston at the Soccer Complex!
Special Schedules