Announcements May 14, 2015
Published on May 14, 2015Character Counts Quote
“Just remember, making one person smile can change the world – not necessarily the whole world but their world.” – unknown
Fiestade Pizza or Cheese Filled Breadstick
The Human Geography exam will be in the library istudy room on Friday.
- It begins at 8:00; please arrive by 7:50.
- You must have your own #2 pencil – NOT mechanical!
- You also need a blue or black ink pen.
- Do NOT bring your cell phones into the exam room!
- You will eat lunch when you have been dismissed from the exam.
Juniors – Be sure to pick up your prize at lunch today for winning the National Honor Society drive to help the homeless.
Anyone who participated in Speech and Drama this year needs to stop in room 116 and pick up a certificate.
Early Dismissal: Boys and girls track will dismiss at 2:45 today.
If you are attending the track meet tonight, your activity passes will not work. The admission is $6.00 per person.
Good luck to:
Boys and Girls Track teams as they host they State Qualifying Meet which starts at 4:00 p.m.