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Announcements May 13, 2014

Published on May 13, 2014

Today’s thought on Character Counts

“Success in not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill


Hot dog or Beefburger


It is not too late to sign up for the Speech and Drama banquet on Wed. at 6:30 pm – sign up on the door of room 116!

Please check the lost and found table for any items you may have lost.

Seniors – Please pick up picture form in the office, this is for picture that will be taken as you receive your diploma.


To check out May 13th,  Senior Bulletin click here


Early Dismissal:  Girls Golf are dismissed at 11:20 and leave at 11:30. Boys Golf as dismissed at 1:00 and leave at 1:10

There is no vollyeball open gym tonight.

Congratulations to Nathan Clayberg, Cody De Kruyff, Garret Jansen, Regan Nelson and Katie Finney for receiving Sterling Physical Therapy’s Strength and Conditioning Athletes of the Year.

Good luck to:

  • Girls Golf as they compete in Knoxivlle

  • Boys Golf As they travel to Dallas Center Grimes

  • Boys Tennis as they play at Pella Christian for conference

  • Girls Tennis as they travel to Grinnell for conference

  • Girls Soccer as they travel to Norwalk

  • Boys Soccer as they host Norwalk for the Little Hawkeye Conference title. JV plays at 5:30 and Varsity plays at 7:00. During varsity half time, they Pella Youth Soccer Program will be recognized. Come and cheer on the Dutch for the conference title!