Announcements May 11, 2017
Published on May 11, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Lunch- Crispito or BBQ sandwich
Geography AP students: Your Human Geography AP test is this Friday at 8:00, meaning you should arrive at 7:45. The test will be given in the back rooms of the library. You will need a number 2 pencil and a blue or black ink pen; please do not bring your phones.
Show Choir is looking for instrumentalists, that enjoy playing fun “rock” music, and play any of the following instruments: alto saxophone, bari saxophone, electric guitar, piano, or trombone. Please see Mrs. Chaplin this week or next if you are interested. Also, show choir singers audition next week. Sign-up is on the auditorium door.
Reminder: The back East entrance to the auditorium will be closed today.
Good Luck to Boys Tennis as they travel to Fairfield for Individual Tennis Conference Tournament!