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Announcements May 11, 2017

Published on May 11, 2017

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Lunch-  Crispito or BBQ sandwich



Geography AP students: Your Human Geography AP test is this Friday at 8:00, meaning you should arrive at 7:45. The test will be given in the back rooms of the library. You will need a number 2 pencil and a blue or black ink pen; please do not bring your phones.


Show Choir is looking for instrumentalists, that enjoy playing fun “rock” music, and play any of the following instruments:  alto saxophone, bari saxophone, electric guitar, piano, or trombone.  Please see Mrs. Chaplin this week or next if you are interested.  Also, show choir singers audition next week.  Sign-up is on the auditorium door.


Reminder:  The back East entrance to the auditorium will be closed today.



Good Luck to Boys Tennis as they travel to Fairfield for Individual Tennis Conference Tournament!

Good Luck to the Boys and Girls Track and Field team at State today.  Please dismiss the athletes at 2:45.

Schedule Reminders: