Announcements Wednesday, March 28, 2018-
Published on March 28, 2018TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “Success at anything will always come down to this: focus & effort. And we control both.” – Dwayne Johnson
Lunch – Chicken and Noodles or Sausage Pizza
Juniors and Seniors – if you are bringing a guest to prom who does not attend Pella High you will need to pick up a Guest Request Form in the office and return completed form to the office no later than the end of the school day on April 6th.
If you have removed your computer from your computer bag that you were issued please get it back in the bag. The computers are to remain in the bag at all times. Starting Monday, if your computer is not in your school issued bag it will be taken from you until you bring your bag in. Thank you.
Show choir for next year is looking for a few instrumentalists. If you play: Bass guitar, drums, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, or electric guitar, please see Mrs. Chaplin or Ms. Sieverding soon; as they are planning their music now. Auditions for singers will be in May.
Congratulations to the boys tennis team on their victory over North Polk!
Special Reminders
Reminder – there is school on Monday, April 2nd.