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Announcements Tuesday, January 15, 2019-

Published on January 15, 2019

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS  – Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do. — Brian Tracy

Lunch Menu – Breakfast for Lunch Jimmy Dean Pancakes/Sausage Breakfast Bites or Cheese-Filled Breadstick


Homeroom – 2019-20 Course Registration:
  • Freshmen and Juniors please report to homeroom during A Lunch to complete/review registration for 2019-20 school year
  • Sophomores please report to homeroom during B Lunch to complete/review registration for 2019-20 school year
  • Seniors do not need to report to homeroom.

Students, please remember that the only schedule change requests that will be accepted are those for adding or dropping a class. We do not take teacher requests nor requests to change the period when you have a class.

Freshman, if you did not work with Mrs. Manning or Mrs. Thompson to discuss your classes for next school year, please stop in to see them by Friday.

Girls Track will have their pre-season meeting on Thursday in Coach Rasmussen’s room (2013). Those interested in participating may come to the 7:45 meeting before school or a second meeting right after school.

Basketball Cheerleaders please stop in the athletic office to pick up your photos!

Good Luck to the bowling team as they travel Davis County.  Please dismiss athletes at 2:35, the bus will leave at 2:45 from the east entrance.

Good Luck to the boys and girls basketball teams as they travel to Knoxville tonight!

Varsity girls, JV boys and girls leave at 3:45 from the east entrance.
JV and Varsity Boys leave at 4:50 from the east entrance.

Special Schedule