Announcements January 31, 2017
Published on January 31, 2017Today’s thought on Character Counts – Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succedd. – Corita Kent
Lunch – Specialty Pizza (Hawaiian orCheese) or Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Seniors planning on attending the ski trip need to hand in their waivers in the library or to Paloma or Mary by Thursday. Donations to help with expenses can be brought to Paloma, Mary, or Sarah Yoder during fifth period lunch on Thursday.
No Speech team practices today after school due to All City Speech Night.
Attention all athletes who are committed to playing college athletics next year. There will be a signing / recognition day on Wed Feb 1st at 3:30pm in the cafeteria. If you want to be included, please see Mr. Otte in the Athletic Office to rsvp.
Congratulations to:
- the Freshman girls and boys and JV boys basketball teams on their win over Norwalk!
- the JV Wrestling team on a great performance last night at DCG!
Good Luck to the JV Girls, Varsity boys and girls basketball teams as they travel to Norwalk tonight.
Please dismiss the JV and Varsity girls at 2:55 and the bus will leave at 3:00 from the bus barn.