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Announcements Friday, September 8, 2023

Published on September 8, 2023

Lunch Menu

-Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza

-Seasoned Loose Meat Sandwich


Are you interested in working crew for Peter and the Starcatcher? Come to a brief meeting today during I Learn A in room 2006 (Jones). 

-The Pella FFA Chapter is hosting their annual Tractor Ride tomorrow, Saturday, September 9th. Lunch will be served at the Sully Community Center with another stop at Zip’N for ice cream. The cost to register to drive a tractor is $35 or half price for current and incoming Pella FFA members. The cost to ride a hay rack is $10 or half price for current and incoming Pella FFA members. Hay rack spots are limited and on a first come first served basis. Registration for both begins at 9am Saturday morning in the Career Academy parking lot, where we will depart at 10am. Questions can be directed to any FFA officer or Mr. Bowers in Career Academy Rm 103. 

Iowa State will be visiting on Monday 9/11 from 11:15-12:15. They will be set-up in the Commons. 

-The Pella High School Speech Team will hold two organizational meetings next week. The first opportunity is during I Learn A  on Monday, September 11th, and the second is after school on Tuesday, September 12th at 3:30. Both meetings are in room 2006. If you are interested in acting, singing, improv, public speaking or even mime, then our award winning Speech team is for you. 

Students, just a reminder, only juniors and seniors have open campus for lunch. The school is still held responsible for knowing whether you’re present at school, so students who leave for lunch need to check out and then check back in either in the front office or the athletic office. Please do not leave out the door by the library, the one that faces the tennis courts, or the career academy.  Thank you for your cooperation!


-Good luck to the 9th grade and Varsity football teams as they travel to Indianola. 9th grade players are dismissed after 7th period.