Announcements Friday, September 15, 2023
Published on September 15, 2023Lunch Menu
-Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
-Tony’s Deep-Dish Cheese Pizza
-Dordt University will be visiting today at 9:00 in the Senior Lounge. Grand Canyon University will also be visiting today starting at 11:30 in the commons.
–-Sophomores: A reminder the Jostens will be here to take class jewelry and letter jacket orders today in the commons from 11:15-12:15. They will have jackets to try on if you need to check for sizing.
-Today is the last day to sign up for Pella’s Speech Team! Look for the QR codes around the school, or stop in to see Mr. Mastbergen, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Whittington, or Mrs. Jones for the sign-up information.
-Students, if you use the stage behind the black curtain for any reason and move chairs and stands, could you please return them the way that you found them? This will help save the Orchestra time resetting the stage each day for rehearsals. Thank you!
–Students, just a reminder, only juniors and seniors have open campus for lunch. The school is still held responsible for knowing whether you’re present at school, so students who leave for lunch need to check out and then check back in either in the front office or the athletic office. Please do not leave out the door by the library, the one that faces the tennis courts, or the career academy. Thank you for your cooperation!