Announcements Friday, October 20, 2023
Published on October 20, 2023Lunch Menu:
-All American Hot Dog
-Real-Slice Cheese Pizza
-On Monday, October 23rd, Trinity Christian College will be here at 10:00 am in the Senior Lounge and the University of Iowa will be here during Smart Lunch in the Commons.
–The student council coat drive will begin on Monday and will run through November 10. Students and staff are invited to donate items such as coats, hats, gloves, and boots that are in good condition. Items may be placed in the boxes near the main office.
-Senior photos for the yearbook will be taken or retaken on Tuesday during A and B lunch in Mr. Brandt’s classroom (room 1213).
-Lifetouch picture retakes are scheduled for October 25. Order forms are available in the office.
-Training Wheels Drivers Ed will hold one more session in 2023. Any students that have a break between fall and winter sports that would like to complete drivers education can sign up at Students may start this class anytime between now and November 5.
–Congratulations to the Knowledge Bowl team on their second place finish at the Iowa Knowledge Bowl Championships on Thursday. This was the second best placement in school history!
-Congratulations to the Duchess staff who won Yearbook of the Year in their class and 23 individual awards for writing, design, and photography.
-Good luck to the 9th and varsity football teams as they travel to Gilbert.
-Good luck to the band, vocal and orchestra students who are participating in the All-State Music Festival Auditions this weekend.