Announcements Friday, October 18, 2024
Published on October 18, 2024Lunch:
-Cheese-Filled Breadsticks
-Students: you should not be leaving your computers and personal items unattended in the lounge area outside of the main office. Any items left unattended will be taken to the office, and you will NOT be able to access or use your computer for the remainder of the day. Please place your items in your locker to avoid getting things taken or misplaced.
-Please remember that the track and stadium are now closed and off limits to all foot traffic until Monday after 3:00 pm.
-A representative from Loras College will be here over lunch on Monday, October 21st, to visit with students.
–Congratulations to our medalists from yesterday’s bowling competition! Cayla Garland, Teah Hugen, Micah Nunnikhoven, Sarah Diers and Christine Rozendaal. Way to go!
-Wrestling Cheer tryouts will be held on Wednesday, October 23 at 3:00. If you are interested in signing up for tryouts or learning more about wrestling cheer, please see Alecia in the front office.
–Good luck to the 9th and Varsity football teams as they travel to Bondurant tonight. 9th grade is dismissed after 7th period.