Announcements Friday, May 12, 2023 — HS
Published on May 12, 2023Lunch Menu
Bosco Cheese-Filled Breadstick or Breaded Tenderloin
You are able to sign up for the first annual Great Bike Ride to School today in the lunchroom. $5 for registration and a donut at the end of the ride. All proceeds for the ride will go to the Hackman and Brand families. It’s gonna be great. Get your helmets and see you there!!!
Congrats to the boys and girls track teams as they were both district meet champions and qualified many events for the state meet next weekend.
Good luck to the boys tennis team as they compete at sub-state.
Good luck to the girls golf team as they compete at Knoxville today. Girls golf is dismissed after 7th period.
Good luck to Kassi Speer as she travels to Wartburg Saturday to participate in the Iowa String Teachers Association Honor Orchestra Festival.
The fall production of Little Shop of Horrors received several honors from the Iowa HIgh School Musical Theatre Awards. Congratulations to everyone involved in the show! The awards received are…
- Outstanding Overall Technical & Creative Achievement
- Outstanding Student Orchestra
- Outstanding Featured Ensemble – The Urchins
- Outstanding Performance in a Principal Role – Jacob Rietveld as “Seymour”
- Outstanding Achievement in a Behind-the-Scenes Role – Ryder Bates for Sound Design and Board Operation
- Special Recognition for Performance in a Principal Role – Kolton Messer as “Audrey 2 Voice”