Announcements Friday, March 22, 2024
Published on March 22, 2024Lunch Menu:
-Bosco Cheese-Filled Breadsticks
-Tony’s Sausage Pizza
-A reminder that we will have modified bell schedules today through next Thursday for ISASP testing. Please check your email for details on each day’s schedule.
-Boys Golf will meet in Coach Fessler’s room at 330pm today.
-If you are interested in auditioning to be part of the 2024-2025 Fortè Dance Team, please sign up in the activities office. You will receive an informational packet once you have signed up.
-Good luck to the boys soccer team as they host a scrimmage tonight.
-Good luck to the girls soccer team as they travel to Ankeny.
-Best wishes on strong performances for our PHS Individual Event Speech Team members who will perform at All State on Monday, March 25th. The All State vehicles will leave at 5:45 AM from the Athletic Entrance on Monday morning.