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Announcements Friday, March 1

Published on March 1, 2019

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Don’t stumble over something behind you. – Unknown 

Lunch Menu – Cheese Pizza Crunchers w/Marinara Sauce OR Bacon Cheeseburger



PYC Pals Volunteers: We will have an informational meeting this Friday, March 1st during iLearn A in the library. PYC Pals starts next week, and attendance at this meeting is mandatory for you to partake in the program! Let Mrs. Manning know if you are going to be absent that day, and she will make other arrangements to inform you of the details.

Reminder blood drive is next Monday the 4th. If you would like to sign up to give blood please see Mrs. Clayberg or Mr. Thorson



Boys golf meeting will be Tuesday after school in Mr.Fessler’s room