Announcements Friday, February 22, 2019
Published on February 22, 2019TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “No gift is really ours until we have thanked the giver” – Proverb
Lunch Menu – Corn Dog OR Dutchman’s Lunch aRounds Pepperoni Pizza
Mrs. Tjeerdsma, the counselor at Madison Elementary, is looking for some volunteers to read to elementary students next Friday, March 1, for “Read Across America Day”. She is looking for people who would be engaging readers for their students. If you are interested, please email Mrs. Tjeerdsma!
The blood drive is set for Monday, March 4th. If you would like to donate by giving blood or working in the canteen, please sign up with Mr. Thorson or Mrs. Clayberg in the weight room.
Seniors, the deadline to apply for a guaranteed scholarship through Pella Dollars for Scholars is quickly approaching. February 28 is the deadline and the simple application process takes less than two hours to complete. If you have any questions or concerns about Pella Dollars for Scholars be sure to visit the help desk during Smart Lunch on Monday, February 25! Don’t delay, apply today.
Congratulations to the boys basketball team on their victory over Carlisle!
Special Schedules