Announcements Friday, April 22, 2022-High School
Published on April 22, 2022Today’s Thought on Character Counts – “The more you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -Dr. Seuss
Lunch Menu – Creamy Mac-n-Cheese OR Breaded Spicy Chicken Sandwich
Announcements –
Seniors – please check your email and complete the Class of 2022 form this week if possible!
If you’re interested in being a member of the Student Council next year please contact Mr. Rasmussen today.
The Nerd Herd is celebrating Earth Day today by watching the Magic School Bus in Mrs. Turner’s room during iLearn B for anyone interested.
Are you interested in a career in journalism, public relations, or marketing? If so, come to Ms. Blanton’s room (2002) next Wednesday during iLearn A. A panel of Drake students who are also on the executive board of the Public Relations Student Society of America will be there virtually to talk about these fields and answer your questions.
A reminder that all current Thespians and those being inducted should come to room 2006 during iLearn A today for the Troupe 123 Induction Ceremony.
All Speech and Drama participants are invited to the end of the year banquet this evening at 6 pm in the Commons. Ask Mrs. Jones if you need more information. See you there! Friends and family are welcome.
Activities –
Auditions for choir and show choir for the next school year are this week. If you are interested in trying out, please see Mr. De Moss or Mrs. Robilliard.
Congratulations to the Pelladium staff. They won 17 individual awards from the Iowa High School Press Association.
Congratulations to: Boys track on winning their division in the Waukee relays last night and girls track for finishing third in the Newton Relays. Congratulations to the boys and girls tennis on defeating Oskaloosa, Boys and girls golf for finishing top 3 in their tournaments, and Boys soccer for defeating Ottumwa 3-0.
Good luck this weekend to:Girls tennis in the Knoxville invitational today, Boys golf at West Delaware tomorrow, and boys tennis as they host the Dutch Invitational tomorrow morning at Caldwell Park. Good luck to the Dutch Destroyers and Dutch Madden A esports teams as they compete in the second round of the playoffs this afternoon.