Announcements February 8, 2021 (Monday) HS
Published on February 8, 2021TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “I had no idea that history was being made. I was just tired of giving up.” – Rosa Parks, civil rights activist
Lunch Menu – Breaded Chicken Sandwich
There is homeroom today. Seniors – will be going over important Senior information. 9th -11th graders will be doing Course registration. 9th & 11th graders – meet during Homeroom A; 10th & 12th graders during Homeroom B.
There will be a Boys Track and Field preseason meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 in the back of the Library.
Congratulations to the Large Group Speech team. 10 out of 12 entries earned “one” ratings at State contest on Saturday.
Congratulations to AcaPella for receiving Grand Champion at their show choir competition in Norwalk on Saturday. In addition to 1st place they earned best vocals, best choreography and best band of the day.
Congratulations to Bravo for finishing 2nd place in the prep division. Shout out to Olivia Hood for receiving top female soloist of the day!