Announcements Februrary 25th, 2014
Published on February 25, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“A thousand words wil, not leave so deep an impression as one deed.” – Henrik Ibsen
Lasagna rolls or Popcorn chicken
Seniors – scholarship reminder – the Dollars for Scholars application is due on March 1st! Please take the time to complete this online process. If you need any assistance, please stop in the guidance office.
Congratulations to the Readers Theatre team of Kody Beller, Devin McCain, Colin Jones and Eleanor Witt on an outstanding performance at Large Group All State on Saturday at Iowa State.
National Honor Society is sponsoring a talent show on March 6th at 7:00 p.m. Auditions to be in the show will be held after shcool Wednesday, on February 26th. You can sign up for auditions today through Wednesday in Charma’s office.
Girls Soccer will have a meeting today after school in the study hall room 113.
Boys Soccer will have a meeting Thursday after school 3:30 in the study hall room 113 for those interested in going out.
Open gym for pick up soccer at the middle school tonight has been cancelled.
Girls interested in going out for Forte, sign up is in Charma’s office.
A reminder for students going out for a spring sport and have not been out for a sport yet this year that physicals need to be turned into Charma before you can practice. If you have any questions, please stop by.
Freshman boys basketball players please meet Coach DeWaard today after school in the locker room to turn in your uniform.
Wrestlers: Please see Charma for an awards form.
Varsity boys basketball defeated Washington and will advance on to play Grinnell at Newton Thursday night at 7:00.