Announcements Februrary 13th, 2014
Published on February 13, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“Right is right even if no one is doing it. Wrong is wrong even if everyone is. “ St. Augustine
Beef taco or chicken fajita
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You look famished, So come down and let the Foods kids cook for you! Don’t miss out on Pella’s Valentine’s Perks this Friday! We will be showcasing some new scones and also serving Biscuits and Gravy!!!! We will be open right at 7:15, so come on down to the FACS lab! And to show you are loved, our 14th customers will get a free smoothie, too!
Any speech team student interested in attending All-State to support our performers please sign up on the door of room 116.
Boys tennis sign ups are in Charma’s office. There will be a meeting after school on Monday.
Students: if you are out for a spring sport and have not been out for any other sport this school year, please turn in your physicals to Charma or stop by if you have any questions.
Good luck to:
Freshman girls and boys and JV boys basketball teams as they host Newton tonight.