Announcements February 10, 2016
Published on February 10, 2016Character Counts Quote
“The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” ― Stephen Richards
Breakfast for Lunch
Don’t forget to place your order for a Valentine rose! Mrs. Grubb’s class is selling Valentine roses for $4.00 each. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER! Deliver it yourself or give it anonymously as a “secret admirer”! Please stop by room 420 or stop by our table outside the office during 5th period to place your order. You must pay when you place your order. Roses will be available to pick up on Friday, Feb. 12th after school.
Due to the senior ski trip & junior testing schedule today, we will not be having Advanced CNA class.
Girls and boys basketball teams defeated Newton
Iowa Assessments/NCRC & Class Registration – School will be dismissed at 1:45