Announcements Februrary 10th, 2014
Published on February 10, 2014Today’s thought on Character Counts
“The measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutley no good.” – S. Johnson
Mandarin chicken over rice or pepperoni pizza.
Government classes will not meet in auditorium today. 4th and 7th period class are in the library and 7th period is in room 111.
Mrs. Ryals Psychology class will meet in Mr. Harthorns classroom today.
Students and staff: Be sure to check out the new Pella Claps program and Twitter page! The student council is recognizing acts of kindness through random students and staff members around the school. Write down what you see throughout your day, and put it in the box in the library.
The Pella High School Speech team had a successful Saturday at Large Group State Speech contest at Linn-Mar high school. Four teams received straight one ratings, three groups received overall one ratings, and five groups received two ratings. Congratulations to all!
Battle of the Books will be meeting today at 3:15 in Room 114. Please let Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Williams, or Mrs. Linn know if you cannot attend.
The Senior Ski Trip has been changed from Wednesday, February 12 to Monday, February 17. Sleepy Hollow’s ski lift will not be operational by the 12th. Seniors will have an on line Fed Ex day on Wednesday. The Fed Ex Day is an on line assignment by their teachers which absolutely, positively has to be completed prior to school on Thursday. They will not need to report to school on Wednesday. The juniors, sophomores, and freshmen will be involved in standardized testing and registration all day.
Freshman boys lost and JV and Varsity boys and girls basketball teams defeated Knoxville.
The boys swim team placed 4th at districts last Saturday and advance on to state this Saturday in Marshalltown.
200 medley relay – Isaak Webb, Josh Bailey and team – 2nd new school record (of 32 years old)
200 Individual medley – Isaak Webb – 1st place
100 butterfly – Isaak Webb – 6th
200 freestyle relay – Aaron and Landon King and Levi Heschke – 5th
100 backstroke – Levi Heschke – 5th
400 freestyle relay – Josh Bailey, Isaak Webb and team – 4th place
Good luck to:
Freshman girls and boys and JV boys basketball teams as they travel to Norwalk