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Announcements February 24, 2017

Published on February 24, 2017

TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go – William Feather

LUNCH –  Mini Corn Dogs or Chicken Nuggets



The hallway access to the Competitive Gym will be closed starting Monday, February 27. Access to the Competitive Gym is through the locker rooms. Wheel chair accessibility can be secured through Mr. Nelson.

The blood drive is Tuesday, Feb. 28th.  Please join the this great way of serving and saving lives! Sign up in they weight room or see a PE teacher.

There will be a short meeting Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 5:30 pm in Mr. Hancock’s room 208 for anyone interested in going on the Europe trip this summer. Ten days of fun in London, Paris, and Rome,


Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team on their Victory over Carlisle! The boys will play Monday at Southeast Polk Vs Grinnell.  The game will start at 7pm.


Forte Dance and Drill Team will have their annual winter showcase on Saturday evening at 6:30pm in the East gym. Doors open at 6:00, admission is $5.00. Please enter through the front doors