Announcements Tuesday, August 28, 2018-
Published on August 28, 2018TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little “extra.” – author unknown
Lunch – Breaded Chicken Sandwich or Sausage Pizza
Tomorrow, August 29th – there is to be no parking in Faith Church due to a funeral.
Students – the last day to ADD a course in your 1st semester schedule is Wednesday, August 29. Please visit with a counselor about ADDING a class in your schedule if needed.
School pictures will be on Friday, September 7th for 9-11th grade students. Picture forms may be picked up in the office.
Any Freshmen interested in joining Student Council should contact Mr. Rasmussen or visit room 2013 to get more information.
Congratulations to the JV football team on their Win over DCG
Good Luck to the Volleyball teams as they host Pella Christian tonight.