Announcements August 24, 2017
Published on August 24, 2017TODAY’S THOUGHT ON CHARACTER COUNTS – Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. ~Etty Hillesum
Lunch – Walking Taco
Any Freshmen interested in joining Student Council should contact Mr. Rasmussen (Room 2013) by next Wednesday.
Auditions for James and the Giant Peach are today and tomorrow in the auditorium after school and in the evening. Please see the sign up sheet on the door of room 2006 (Mrs. Jones’ room) and ask Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Whittington if you have any questions. Everyone is encouraged to audition, even if you do not have acting or singing experience.
Good Luck to the Freshman Volleyball team today as they host the freshman quad starting at 5:30
The girls locker room needs to be cleared out by 4:00 today for the visiting volleyball teams to use tonight.
Athletic passes will be available to pick during lunch today in the lunchroom.